
Aug 16, 2008 20:33

i have another lj set up for my school work... because i have to keep a learning log. i think i'll use this opportunity to do some brainstorming here because i feel a certain pressure to leave the other lj polished, or at least appear so.

burdock. Arctium minus
i remember my first experience with this plant.
smokie, my german shepard, she would get them matted up in her hair from late summer through the winter. sometimes we would be able to pull 'em out, but a lot of times we would have to cut them out or break apart the burrs enough to comb out the pieces. yes, the burrs, i'm talking about the burrs, not the entire plant. i also remember them getting stuck on my clothes and sometimes my hair. or my shoelaces. i was an outside kid.

i am also very tired-eyed and exhausted from the day.
it was my sisters', emily and katherine, and also my brother's, jacob, going away party. oh i haven't told you? jake and emily are going to a boarding school in california. but guess what. they had to get their school supplies from REI. yeah it's that kind of school. my brother's in the snowboarding program. hahaha, they have to go because they got really bad grades since they started high school. how fucking awesome is that... seriously. what an amazing opportunity. and as we all know, katherine's moving in with michael and i.

anyway. lots of water sports today. tubing and jet-skiing mainly. i am going to be so sore tomorrow.
there were sooo many freaking people here. i had to come up to my room (which, by the way, when i visit my family, i only have a bed when we come up to their weekend home; how odd). yes. i needed alone time. so i'm holed up here. well not really holed up here. just relaxing. yeah anyway.

about that burdock.
so it's good to help the liver to get moving and functioning better. and it's odd because i seem to be quite drawn to those plants with similar actions.... coincidence? yeah right. i don't believe in coincidences. i believe in intuition and higher guidance. what what.

my trip here is drawing to a close. i wonder where the brushes my dad bought me ran off to. i have spent quality time with each and every one of my siblings. their way. well except one... it's been amazing. and my parents. this has been by far the most fulfilling trip back since i moved so very far away, me thinks. i think the spontaneity of the trip may have helped. i was truly geared up for a summer in olympia, hanging out with and loving michael, eating organic goodies weekly, drawing and learning about plants, camping and basically just getting even more cozy in olympia. i had no intention initially to come back to wisconsin at all this summer. but i did, and here i am. having a splendid time!

i don't know what to end with. so. uh.
oh, and although it always sounds like i'm writing for an audience. i'm mostly not. although i do miss having comments. i miss people commenting on my posts, but i don't comment to theirs (yours) because i lack the time right now. which is probably true to those reading as well. i am also kind of upset that gritty_litter never added me to her friend's list. i really enjoyed reading her posts....
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