
Jun 23, 2008 19:49

I don't have pictures because I was too preoccupied to, but Michael's birthday was yesterday!!!! He had to work for the first half of the day, but afterward we had a cook-out. Michael's brother, Jake, flew in with his girlfriend and friend/coworker on Saturday. We had ribs, burgers, fish (hahaha), hot dogs; it was good! Then for desert, we had strawberry shortcake with homemade whipped cream. MMMMM! but we had SO MUCH leftover. I have no idea why I thought everyone was going to eat so much of it. SO HELP ME EAT SOME! hahaha.
yeah yup yep. It was so ridiculous because Jake's friend paid for dinner TWO NIGHTS IN A ROW! I was like, wtf. seriously. It was really weird but also appreciated. It was also pretty cool how encouraging they were of Michael to do something with his music beyond just playing it downtown on the streets every now and again. I kind of agree, but he'll do what he wants with it. I think the way things are, it makes him really happy and I wouldn't want to encourage him to anything that could potentially make him unhappy as he says that making money off his music would do. *shrug* Maybe in the future things'll change. Who knows, but if you haven't checked out his music yet, you are seriously missing out. I am not even endorsing it simply because I'm his girlfriend; it was the reason I was so keen on meeting him in the first place.

But anyway, I have some serious brainstorming to do for upcoming events. (our first CSA pickup is THURSDAY!!! HOW EXCITING!!!! Then I have to figure out how/when/where we'll be moving if my sister is really serious about moving out here, so that'll be interesting. School starts next Tuesday WOOHOOOO!!!!!!! Then there is the research of tents/backpacking gear. Also interested in starting an exercise regiment to get my body prepared. HAHA, in addition to getting my oil changed, my car cleaned out, selling some things, la dee dah dah et cetera!!!) Compared to this time last year, I think my life has expanded exponentially. I AM DOING A MILLION TIMES MORE THINGS AND I FUCKING LOVE IT!

food, changes, birthdays, katherine

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