(no subject)

Nov 19, 2007 16:40

The Eight of Pentacles card suggests that my power today lies in reproduction. I am resigned to the inevitability of the task at hand because of its inherent value, so I am efficient, productive and leave my mark in the details. I am empowered by near success and my asset is the ability to just do it.

today was hump day in this very short work week...
altho there has been much rumor and speculation about us working friday, saturday and sunday it still feels good to know that at some point before i drop dead i will get a day off maybe even two. im doing the cut edges of the ceiling tiles so its me a moving scaffolding and my radio. so fucking good, i love having a soundtrack always and Q104.3 tuesdays is like one of my favorite things in the world esspecially when i'm doing ceiling tiles. all day i wait for the super gay classic rock moments when they play david bowie and queen--jon i'm only dancing and fame. we are the champions and yr my best friend (i love that song). its makes work feel like it has a comfortable element of home and is totally campy for a few minutes. whats yr favorite bowie and queen songs?

i got a tofurkey for thankgiving at my moms house...
partially as a form of avtivism in a place where a cruelty free diet may not be norm. i'm at least giving an alternative at my moms house. actually my parents are kind of okay with not cooking meat when i'm home, its an asian thing... anyways, me andrea went to trader joes after me, her, zari, toughie and ivana (one of zaris friends just met her) went to go see the joy divison movie control. which had GREAT music was in black and white, totally sponsored by american apparell (who i love to steal from but am currently on a break from engaging in that type of destructive behavior with) and was totally dramatic and depressing in the way that it made me miss all the people i loved and made me wish they were watching that movie and getting depressed with me too...side note. i hardly ever go to trader joes but they let you try everything there, which is kinda really hippy-dippy. anyways, i got to have a hot cup of vegetable soup, it was lovely. the lady there who had big huge loopy pluggs and dreads said i should cook it with all my favorite vegetables and baste it with orange juice and tamari. i should have asked her what her fucking sign was, i know, but i can always go back to trader joes. she actually asked me if i was a vegan chef, i said no i was a normal person. i told her i was bringing it to my moms house for thanksgiving and she said 'shes gonna looooove you!'.
i thought the tofurkey-faketurkey would give me an opportunity to have a project with some kind of substance while i'm vacationing in the pit of death and destruction that is my mums house. tofurkey, weed, the internet and isolation.

yesterday i got my first issue of THE THING...
its this mail art project i subscribed to over the summer when i decided to sober up and found out that leaves you with a lot of extra cash to spoil yrself with. well anyways, went to the post office and picked up my package which was designed by miranda july (aquarius, febuary 15, gay famous, creepy great) it came in a four foot long brown paper heavy duty tube. inside the tube was a set of vinyl window blinds complete with mounting hardware (which was kind of crappy but whatever) and a silkscreen of the most dramtic thing ever--i cant even spoil it you have to come see. god i love miranda july. i took the liberty of hanging it in my window last nite while i was baked out of my fuckin mind, what a fuckin butcher. so now i begin my life as a true patron of the arts with fine art objects in my room. i'm gonna keep it for the rest of my life as a status symbol as a taurus moon thats something we do. we collect, i dont even know if i want to fight it anymore. i have a sore throat and a case of the fuckits.

ive been cleaning my room over the past couple of days things are looking up.
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