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Jul 15, 2007 17:29

The Two of Swords card suggests that my power today lies in opinion or blind instinct. 'I just know it.' My perceptions are sharp, balanced and reasonable and guide my decision or support a position free from momentary distraction or impulse. I honor my authentic self when I choose to protect emotional vulnerabilities without compromising virtue, reputation, or principles. I practice self control but I know that denial can't hide truth forever. 'Once bitten, twice shy.' I am empowered by the status quo and my virtue is justification.

the two of swords, ha. the other day i realized i had the two of swords tattooed on my body. which was a fun and interesting discovery. its a giant heart with my cat on it and upon btwn two jack knives. also realizing the heart symbolizing the ace of cups, i was even further sprung. the two together representing love, creativity, inspiration, friendship, a female union of souls pairing that is influential in yr life. courage. it made me really appreciate the magic auspiciousness of traditional tattoos, obviously theres a reason why they stood the test of time and countless generations. and even more so it made me super proud to bear the intense love for my cat chainsaw on my skin. i kid of feel like she should get a tattoo of my name, what the fuck? when i was in purchase like four years ago i had a tarot card reading from laura and she told me that she saw the spirit of a cat following me around. ha, so true.

just gave zoe the most intense tarot reading ever...
holy mother fucking shit. i mean besides the fact that i have been with these cards for about four years now, me and zoes deep connection which definetly is enhanced by a common interest in spirituality that we share, the fact that she does tarot play on her own time (sees and understands) and is also what i would consider a 'strong sender'--libra oct 8th, cardinal signs love to tell you how we want things. the reading could not have more clearly addressed the question she asked unless it was on a fucking kareoke screen. mercury is soo no longer in reterograde, i sware yr friends are going to make sense to you again. itll happen.

went to the gay part of riis beach and it was fabulous...
and kind of even more incredibly its really easy to get their from my house. there was lost and lots of faggots and and wimin with no tops on. it was so incredible that i prayed that i would get laid off and go sit topless on the beach for the rest of the summer, we'll see what happens. i had all the queers i was sunning with have a moment of silence for all the gay people in the world that cant go to gay beaches. sometimes when in a place like nyc its so easy to take really amazing things like that for granted. they are distant but not forgotten and hopefully somewhere in the world some fucking kid that needs it is feeling our intense love and respect for their courage.

in good news from around my world...
i hardly had to stuff any insulation in walls today at all. well one wall, but after doing it all day for weeks i look at one wall and i fucking crack up. instead i worked with bobby hanging sheetrock. august 1 leo, he's the italian kid i worked with on the first day who i was not quite in love with but who is generally alright. he's quiet but light hearted (how can you be a fire sign and quiet? doesnt make sense), kind of dumb, 27, wanted to listen to krock and they all joke around about him being a pretty boy. its my radio but i dont give a shit what radio station we listen to, i will honestly listen to all of them as long as there is music or angry black millitants. these are my radio requirments, music is life and i'm pretty open. on krock they play greenday and nirvana all day, i can fuck with that.
speaking of fucking with that... i got to use my knew greeting for sagitarius's three times this weekend, ha! two of them were also born on the same day, dec 6th, auspicious! you know i love that. both of them knew alot about astrology and both of them were the funnest poeple at the party i was at. but yeah, you didnt misread that. i have created an alternate greeting for sagitarius's, bcos its time to give back to the world and its good and makes sense. but of course, theres a flaw. in part of the greeting i introduce myself as an aries and since its so hard to quiet a sagitarius when they catch on that something ritualistic is happening to them, they end up having trouble hearing me introduce myself. there needs to be a way to make this more clear. maybe i should speak before i touch? ugh, i'm totally spoiling it. i need to brood, see you all again soon, i'm going to play with marisa.
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