Grandma's Birthday, Missing her

Sep 28, 2012 20:06

Today is my Grandma's birthday. She died earlier this year. She lived a long life, dying at 87 years old. Today she would have been 88. She left behind 6 children, one of her daughters followed her a week later. But she joined two children already passed. One was a son that died when she was 6 months pregnant and the other was my Mom who died 5 years ago this November. No one should have to out live any of their children but she did and she stayed strong for her other children.

I remember the last time I spoke to her. I was living in a different state so it was over the phone and she knew she was dying. She told me that she loves me and that she is very proud of me. She also told me that she is going home to Mary (my mom) and she was happy. She said she was ready. I told her that she was always like a second mother to me, that I am the way I am because of her. I told her I love her and I will miss her. I spoke to her one other time but she was very medicated and it didn't make any sense, I'm not even sure she knew who it was.

I miss her, wish I was able to do things differently. Call her more, visit more. You can't take anyone you love for granted. One day they won't be there anymore or you may not be there, and whatever it is you wanted to say or do will never be said or done.

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPad.

birthday, love, family, loss

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