anything other than being exactly on time i can do

Jun 08, 2006 10:59

"Paulie, the one with the parrot. It's my guilty little pleasure. You have to go into it with an open mind ... he's trying to find his home, and it makes me cry every time."

part of me will always be fantastically girly, like the part that picked these journal colors and loves having long hair. the same part that subconsciously picks characters whose names start with a 'k' because i've always liked that letter and gets pedicures in the dead of winter. this part gets shy and giggly when the time comes to flirt, never really minded working at hooters, and adores colored eyeshadow and high heeled shoes.

another fraction of myself would kick off the heels for green birkenstocks any day. the uniform at home varies, but always includes a baseball cap and something rolled up, and this part will watch mythbusters for hours and loves tv dinners; sings showtunes at an alarming volume and can eat an entire watermelon given the opportunity.

the little slivers in the pie chart consisting of miscellaneous identities and personality traits are still open for discovery, but no matter what changes happen or who else i may become i'll always cry at paulie.

[i'm closed! sorry kids. go to amadams for all of your amy-related needs.]