A Bridal Shower

Aug 18, 2004 22:27

I attended a Bridal shower tonight. It was fun. I haven't been to one of those since my own almost 21yrs. ago. It made me feel like i wish i was the one getting married cause i would like to remember what mine was like and what i felt like at my shower.

This gal is young only 19 but i was 18 when i got married which is even younger. I have a daughter who is 18 and has a child and is living with her boyfriend and his family. The boyfriend is not the baby's father. But i just wish they would hurry up and get married. And my other daughter she will be 20 in Oct. and it will be at least 3 1/2 to 4 yrs. before she gets married. Her boyfriend is probably going to be gone for two yrs. serving a mission for his church and then my daughter says she wants to serve a mission when she turns 21 which will be for a yr. and a half.

You know when your kids are little you think about when they are older and about what their lifes will be like and before you know it they are older and you realize that it just happend so fast , and your like where was I when you were growing up. You know you have been there the whole time but it just creeped up on you and it was here and it happened faster than you thought it would.

So what do i have now but the memories of their childhood and the excitement of their future(s).
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