
Jan 07, 2005 21:31

Amy struggled with the roll of wrapping paper. She was lying on the floor, trying to wrap herself into it in an almost mummy-like fashion. Unfortunately, the heels of her shiny red patent thigh-high platform boots kept poking holes in the bottom of the paper, and her low curses could be heard over the rustle of paper, coming from the end where her silky hair protruded from some gaps in the paper.

Cain strolled through the hallway to his office. Performance reviews were to be as expected, with three firings today. Mostly low-level employees, an accountant and two computer programmers. Of course 'firings' took on an ominous tone as the three, escorted out by security, never retrieved their autos from the parking garage.

Jason passed through his outer office, a frown on his lips to find Amy's desk empty. He'd specifically instructed her to man the telephone until he returned.

Feeling Cain approaching seconds before his footsteps echoed outside the office, Amy stilled, hoping that at least most of her was covered. Within the wrapping, the light was tinted red, and she felt as if she was under a blanket. Her breath echoed in her ears and her nerves were steeled in anticipation.

He angrily thrust open the door to his inner sanctum. "Bloody idiot woman," he muttered, and promptly tripped over the wrapped woman at his feet. Jason stumbled forward, catching himself on the edge of his desk. "What the bloody hell?!" he cried out, turning around to eye the offence.

"Ow!" Amy yelped as he tripped over her. She waited a moment for him to calm down. Maybe laying right in front of the door wasn't the best idea. "Aren't you going to open your present?" She asked tentatively. The talking gift might have been amusing to some.

After finally calming himself, Jason regarded the Amy-shaped package with mild amusement. "Hello...," he purred. "Someone's left me a talking clock."

"Oh come on" Amy said curtly "I have a much sexier voice then Mrs. talking clock." Predictably, she rolled her eyes.

"You think so?" Jason walked around to his chair, pressing a few buttons on his telephone. Pressing the speaker function, he waited as a monotone female voice responded with the local time. "Hmmmm, it's a close call."

Amy's legs shifted, crossing her ankles. "Is your hearing getting worse in your old age?" She smirked. Not that he could see her smirk, but he knew her well enough by now to know every one of her expressions and when she used them.

Perhaps it was the spirit of the season finding some small hold upon him, or the drinks at lunch. Most likely it was the firings just now. But Jason found himself in a good mood. He retrieved a letter opener from his desk and walked back over to Amy. "Hmm, it's still five days until Christmas. I should prop this under the tree and wait to open, I think."

"Aaah, but there's twelve days of Christmas. Shouldn't you be getting a little something every day?" Amy asked, peeking through a tear in the paper at Jason. "Besides, I don't think Kara would appreciate having me around."

Jason considered her comments. No, Kara would most likely spike Amy's eggnog with Mylanta. If she was fortunate. He trailed the letter opener along the length of his 'present'. "And your allergy to children is well-known as well."

"I guess I just prefer the adult kind of playing" Amy smiled, licking her lips. As the paper parted, her boots were revealed, along with a red patent miniskirt. Her top was sheer, long-sleeved, trimmed in marabou the same Santa red as the chiffon. It was attached with two buttons, one just above, and one just below her breasts. Under it was a triangle bikini top, made of the same shiny fabric as her boots. A roll of fancy Christmas ribbon sat innocently on her exposed stomach.

Jason's eyes scanned his 'gift', stopping at the roll of ribbon. He unraveled a fair length, bringing Amy's wrists together. He bound them tightly in the silken fabric, taught enough to keep them in place, but still allowing blood flow.

Amy smiled wantonly at him, bending up one knee. "Aren't you glad you opened your present early?" She asked.

"I should feel... something... for not having a wrapped gift for you," he smirked.

Her eyes flickered down to his crotch, just long enough to make her point before she caught his eye. "Oh, I wouldn't say that." Amy purred "Not at all."

Jason leaned back against the desk, palms flat on the top. "Pretend there's mistletoe then."

Amy managed to get herself into a standing position, stalking across the floor. She pressed her mouth and body to Cain's when she reached him, pulling back as her bound hands flitted over his crotch. "I'm not sure this is quite the traditional place for a mistletoe kiss" She chuckled "But may I unwrap my present Sir?"

Jason reached up with one hand and ran his palm along Amy's shoulder. Using a tiny bit of force, she lowered to her knees. "T'is the season," he grinned.

"Just don't make me sing" She mumbled. Amy nuzzled the waistband of Jason's tailored suit pants, closing her mouth around the button. She sucked idly on the fabric for a few moments as she unclasped the button with her teeth and tongue. Then, she gripped the zipper between her teeth, pulling it down in one slow, fluid motion.

A smile formed at the edges of Jason's lips as he watched Amy work the material manually. That she didn't complain about being tied with ribbon was also appreciated. She was clearly learning her place again.

With another tug or two of her teeth, Cain's underwear pooled around his ankles along with his pants. Finally free of it's encumbrance, the salty, masculine smell of Jason filled her nostrils. Amy began to bathe his cock with her tongue, using small, wet strokes, rather like a kitten.

His fingers snaked into Amy's hair, pulling at the roots. A moan escaped as she continued working her mouth on his member. "Dirty cunt," he whispered. "Suck on it."

Aww, but teasing was so much fun, thought Amy, as he forced her mouth around his cock, or at least, she made it appear that way. Teasing was fun, it always made things better for her in the long run. However, she grudgingly began to suckle, though she couldn't hold the image that it was a chore rather then a pleasure for long.

Jason closed his eyes briefly, taking in the sensation and the muffled sounds that escaped Amy's lips as she continued teasing him.

The pretense fading, Amy drew him deeper into her mouth, tongue tickling over his member with the small bob-twist motions of her head.

Fingers gripping the lip of his desk, hips rocking in unison with her sucking motion, Jason once again pulled on her hair.

Amy moaned, the tugging making her hair stand on end. One of her hands slipped into her top,
rubbing at a nipple through the taut, shiny fabric. Her other hand stroked from Jason's perineum down to his testicles with a feather-light tickle.
Jason's head bobbed forward, chin touching his upper chest. Eyes opened again, dark embers flaring with desire. Concentrating, a sliver of white-hot energy snaked through his fingers and into Amy, reaching inside, lightly stroking her nerve endings.

Whimpering with surprise, Amy spread her knees more widely apart, her attentions increasing in fervor as she felt Jason's burning energy inside her. The gentle stroking was producing an almost constant, purring moan that vibrated against Jason's cock as Amy sucked it.

Amy was an open book to him. With a gentle nudge he was able to find the right nerve cluster, bringing her almost immediately to the edge of climax, holding back just enough to have her beg for more.

Amy barely managed to pull her mouth off Cain's cock in time to avoid biting down on it as her teeth clenched. She didn't beg aloud, but gave a pleading look to her lover, her mind inadvertently sending messages to him. Please, god, you know what I need. Amy hadn't meant god in the sense of Cain, but it was strangely fitting to the role he played in her world.

Fingers retracted from the girl's hair, reaching down then to grip her by the shoulders. Jason lifted Amy from her position in front of him, and standing to full height, pushed her back until she leaned against the east wall. With one knee he pushed her legs further apart, grinding against her sex as he reached up and pulled at her blouse, ripping buttons from their placement.

She hissed as she rocked against his knee, head resting on the wall as he ripped apart her blouse, eyes lidded and looking over him like a tiger might look over their prey; hungry, feral, and relentless.

His hand continued its southward journey, reaching around to tug at the zipper of Amy's skirt, all the while leaning in and biting her neck.

"Mmmm" the sound died in her dry throat, and she swallowed, kicking the fallen skirt aside and clawing Cain's back as his teeth marked her neck.

Jason gripped the hem of her skirt and yanked it over her hips, pushing it down to the floor.

Amy growled as the clawing grew more impatient, possessive, aggressive. Her free hand reached between them, giving Jason's cock a firm stroke and guided it towards her wet opening.

Cupping her ass with both hands and using the wall as support, he lifted Amy enough and slid his cock inside her. Her hands wrapping around his neck, Jason began bucking, slowly at first, filling her completely.

Automatically, Amy wrapped her legs around Jason, kissing him savagely, drawing blood from one or both of them, a low growl rising from her chest as she broke the kiss for air, arching in Jason's arms as her orgasm rocked through her petite form, her lips forming mewls and gasps and curses.

Keeping the connection, Jason rocketed another flash of energy through Amy's body, causing her orgasm to stretch out as he continued thrusting inside of her.

"Fuck" Amy hissed, the only word she could manage through the constant onslaught of pleasure. She put her mouth to Cain's earlobe, sucking it lightly as he pounded and she shuddered like some strange organic machine.

His fingers gripped Amy's ass harder. Unable to hold back, Jason grunted loudly as he came, breathing ragged.

Amy gave one last yelp, the spell apparently broken by Jason's loss of control, her hand stroking his neck. She didn't speak, catching her breath, and leaning hard on the wall for support, eyes wide with amazement. Crossing the room to the liquor cabinet, her breathing still labored, she pulled out the decanter of cherry brandy and slumped into one of the visitors chairs, drinking greedily from it and holding the rest up to Cain.

He removed a silk handkerchief from his pocket, wiping his member clean before tossing it into a nearby wastepaper basket. At Amy's offer he merely waved his hand in dismissal. Jason straightened himself, closing his zipper. In an impish moment, he sent one more jolt of electricity through her body, one last act of pleasure before he returned to work.

"Fuck" cursed Amy, almost dropping the bottle. A moment later she smiled up at him cheekily. "Merry Christmas, Sir"

Jason sat back down at his desk, filling his pen with ink as he began signing the year-end 'bonuses'. He looked up briefly, the smirk still present on his face. "Bah humbug," he chuckled.

"Scrooge" Amy smirked, blowing him a kiss before she slipped into his private bathroom to clean herself up.
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