Close Quarters

Aug 24, 2004 17:25

Amy: *Amy sat in the back of the taxi, arms folded, glaring out the window as they pulled up to the hotel. She didn't wait for the valet to open her door, swinging it open and almost knocking him over. She climbed out, despairing at the sight of her mussed hair in the tinted glass windows of the hotel, mumbling through clenched teeth as she shot daggers at anyone daring to so much as look at her* Fucking bastard.

Cain: *Handles the valet, gets the bags unloaded and moves towards the door, and a seriously flouncing Amy. Takes her elbow roughly, jerking her into the lobby* Do behave yourself

Amy: *tosses her hair haughtily* Make me. *a clump of hair blows into her mouth, ruining the effect*

Cain: You've already seen that my patience is at an all time low... If you wish to survive long enough to do my bidding you'll change your attitude

Amy: *looks around* Fine, I'll behave. Until we can continue this conversation upstairs. *deadly serious, no suggestion in her voice.*

Cain: *Glares at her* Oh to be sure, you seem to have forgotten your place *Deals with the desk, and gets two keys*

Amy: *gets up from the chair where she has been sulking and moves to the elevator, snatching one of the keys from Cain*

Cain: *Growls, and follows, waiting impatiently for the elevator*

Amy: *Taps her foot, pressing the button repeatedly, almost aggressively, completely avoids looking at Cain*

Cain: I think it gets the message Amy *Snaps out, grabbing her hand*

Amy: *Looks up at him with disgust, then at the opening doors. She wrenches her arm free and struts into the elevator.*

Cain: *Enters, calmly pushes the button for the penthouse, leans against the wall of the elevator, arms crossed and looking down at her* Why exactly are you being such a cow anyway?

Amy: Look at my hair! *waves her arm* Was it really necessary to do...whatever you did to it? And since when were you such an asshole? Oh wait, you always were. *spins on her heel so she is looking away from him, the mirrored walls granting her no reprieve.*

Cain: *Smirks a little, feigning interest in his watch, pulling the silk handkerchief from his jacket pocket and slowly wiping the crystal* I thought you loved shows of my power, it made you hot

Amy: *blushes, then turns back to him, yelling* Not after being cooped up in that plane it doesn't. You could've at least pretended to be interested in what I was saying. *stamps her foot*

Cain: *Snorts, continuing to not look at her, but the watch* Then say something interesting

Amy: Like what? *puts on a high pitched voice, and the dramatics* Oooh Sir, spank me because I'm a little whore *bats eyelashes, then returns to normal* Bet that's about all that captures your interest these days.

Cain: If that's all you have to offer to pique my interest, it's no wonder you're an afterthought. I can get a whore anywhere. Less expensive, but probably not cheaper... *stresses the word*

Amy: *whispers* You fucking prick...*lunges at him, scratching at his front, fighting like a girl, hair wilder then ever.*

Cain: *Grabs ahold of her throat, absorbing some nasty scratches along his cheek in the process. Slams her hard against the wall, holding her in place* Did you forget who I am? Who owns you little girl? *Eyes start blackening, elevator stalls as the energy builds up*

Amy: *Fear flickers in her eyes for a second, then she calmly looks at him, voice even, a tiny smile as she speaks* You need me. *bites her lip, her voice lowers* Say it. Say it and I'll tell you who owns me.

Cain: I need... *Leans closer, eyes blackening* Those bracelets. You are the means to an end

Amy: No, you don't just need those bracelets, you need me, to use them. There is no one else on this planet who can do that. *slowly and clearly* You. Need. Me. *stares back firmly, more playful but still serious*

Cain: Fine. I need you for now, but only because in your ignorance you corrupted them. You'd do well to remember your necessity has a time limit...

Amy: *wry smile* Perhaps it does, but security isn't always fun, is it? *seemingly appeased* Now just relax *leans close to his ear, whispering* you're extremely sexy when you lose your temper, *nuzzles across his face to his other ear* but if you don't calm down, *pulls back* eventually you'll kill me or there'll be a tacky elevator fuck.

Cain: *Lets her fall back, and exits the elevator at their floor without a word. A plant actually wilts and dies as he passes by*

Amy: *Steadies herself and exits after him, following at a safe distance, not sure what to say, speaks very carefully.* J-Jason.

Cain: We aren't going for the tacky elevator fuck, what was the other option you presented? *Opens the door, and enters the suite*

Amy: *sighs, crossing her arms and standing in the door* Okay, well, I'm gonna take a bath, and when you're done...brooding...let me know. Hopefully I won'tve turned into a prune by then. *begins to undress, without any grace or ceremony*

Cain: We start preparations tomorrow, be ready. I'll not tolerate failure here. Understand me?

Amy: Of course. *mumbles* You've said it enough times. *goes into the large ensuite, turning on the water, stands in the doorway in her slip, putting on her sexiest pout, intentionally comical, but still cute* Wanna scrub my back?

Cain: *With a growl, turns towards the door, slamming it with his power*

Amy: *from behind the door* I'll take that as a no then. *shakes her head, pulls off the slip, and climbs into the tub, relaxing in the hot water and closing her eyes*
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