May 29, 2006 01:24
-Comparison Essay for Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
-Portrait of the Artist seminar
-Human Growth and Development board game
-edit essays for english (literary essays)
-catch up on overdue homework for human growth
-find SOMETHING I can do for the grade 12 music recital and learn it somewhat....and it can't be clarinet because I am...
-Getting my wisdom teeth pulled.
Might I add how much the final point freaks me out beyond all belief! Really, I have had bad experiences with teeth has become a real phobia for me. I still remember when I was ten years old telling myself how "Gee, thank god its such a long ways away before I'll need any more teeth pulled! And hey, when I get my wisdom teeth out I'll practically be an adult! I won't be scared of it then!"...heh, clearly I had misconcieved notions of adulthood....or when one actually becomes an adult. Because I am still scared shitless and feeling less like an adult than ever before!