Aug 06, 2009 23:51
Okay... so i'm 148.3 lbs.... i know.. totally gross...
i was trying to avoid posting my weight.. considering i've put on 30 pounds =(
now that i know... i've been always avoiding my weight even when i was so skinny that i look my pictures and now i understand why my classmates and teachers and trainers were so worried.... ...but not my mom....
she always wanted me to be skinny... and now that i'm not.... she kind of makes me feel even worse bc of it... what a mom :S
is weird bc i can know how much she wants me to get skinny again, bc she loved to say that i was perfect....but still when i'm not eating and she figures it out she forces me to eat.... so weird
anyways... i'm doing the ABC for my first time
1 day: 300 --> supose to have been 500
2 day: 650--> supose to have been 500
my bad for today... but i ate 450 and then came my mom and made me eat with her an alfajor
anyways i've never heard from someone that has complete the ABC... i so want to do it