Title: Brother's Keeper
Rating: R for language/icky factor
Pairing/Characters: Gen, Dean-centric
Notes/Disclaimers/Summary: 275-ish words of SPN dark!fic. Be warned - character death. Beta and hand-holding by
Sadly, I do not own the Winchesters. Dean owns me.
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I think I was really nervous about posting it because the imagery is messy (and it *is* dark, too). It's not a clean death; there's blood and mud and dirt and it's all rather sad to see Dean having to hunt his own brother and die a lingering death in the woods. You know, I read somewhere that a wound to the liver will kill you in about 20 minutes, so it's not fast at all. Poor Dean, tracking his last living family member, in horrible pain, for almost a half-hour, yet still putting one foot in fromt of the other until he can't any more, never mind the personal cost.
Why am I breaking my poor Dean? ACK!
Anyways, I was sort of afraid that people would somehow think I'm really twisted for coming up with dark!fic. I know that's silly because a)it ain't that dark; emotionally torturing off-camera, but nothing like ely_jan's Angelus, that I find absolutely BRILLIANT and incredibly dark and there's literal torture so dark... and b) I only admire people who can pull off the truly dark!fic. We all have dark places, and let's face it, I'm not a BNF so not that many people are gonna see it anyhow. *g*
Thank you so much for the hand-holding; I wouldn't have been brave enough to post it without you.
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