Birthday!! and a few updates/scheduley things

Feb 27, 2009 14:53

So, the official plan for my birthday!
We'll be going to the Aquarium oft the Bay (I would love to go down to Monterey, but it's too expensive and a bit too far), starting at about 2pm (this means that my sister and I will be getting there at 2pm and we'll wait around for about a half hour to see who shows up, we'll all go in, and you can call us if you come later and want to join us) on March 15th .  I kinda want to spend the majority of the day there because I LOVE aquariums and I love to dawdle and take loads of pictures!  After that will be dinner...somewhere.  We'll be at the Piers, so I figure we can all figure it out afterwards, or if someone is in a particular mood, we can find something with that.  I'm not the pickiest of eaters, and we'll have at LEAST one vegisaurus (vegetarian for those of you who dont get the reference), though sometimes I forget who is one and who isnt (Sam, if you tell me you're a vegetarian one more time, I will kick you!)
So far, I know I've got myself, my sister (those of you who havent met her, or dont remember her, you get to meet her!!), Maimone, Michaela, Dani, more than likely Jordann...and that's all that I know of who's pretty much a for sure.  If you are inclined to come with us, post (or e-mail, or IM) and I'll update the list as I'm updated.

This is kinda a free-for-all...if you want to show up and celebrate my turning 22 with me, and just have good ol' fun, you're totally welcome!  I get that it's a Sunday, but lots of people are doing things on that Saturday, and damn it, I want Michaela at my birthday, so it's gonna be on my actual birthday-Sunday!!

Um, if me saying that you giving me a (HUGE...this means you Joel) hug is not enough, you can get me steam-punky things, I have nothing and I need to start working on that, but hugs I AM expecting.  Yes, I have an Amazon wish list just like everyone else, though it's mostly to remind myself of the things that I like and want to get for myself at some most of the things are semi-expensive, so I'm not posting a link to it or anything, sorry.  If you pester me, you can have it, but I mainly just want hugs for my birthday, or anything that you see that reminds you of me.  But damn it, I want hugs for my birthday! And kisses from some of you (sorry, not everyone inspires me to kiss them...just the truth)...Michaela!  :-P

So my knee is quickly getting better.  It hurts quite a bit still if I turn it wrong, and it hurts even more when it's raining or super cold outside (so I'm super happy for the warmth we've been kinda having the last few days)...I get rather pathetic during the times that my knee hurts, and try to hide from people so I dont whine or anything to them (that just isnt me, and I try really hard to make sure that it stays that way).  Waltzing around is still a bit dificult, and I cant take HUGE steps, but I'm trying, and the more I work it out, the better it seems to get.
Past that, I'm disgustingly happy quite often lately (other than the bouts of patheticness because of the knee).  I can pinpoint why, and if you cant spot the change, you're being silly or blind, especially if you talk to me with any kind of regularity.  I've got 20 hours a week at work now, which is fabulous (it's the max I can have, and I only had 8 hrs/week last month).

Tonight is the 4th Friday Vintage Dance in Berkeley at 9pm with Sam DJing (yay to this finally happening again!!) should be there(!!!), with possible dinner beforehand. (Kinda want to go to blues since Cid is DJing-and he's never down here-but I want to see what the last waltz is! and I think it might be too much for my knee to handle)
Saturday I'll be going to a Sacred and Profane performance of Mozart's Requiem at 8pm in SF.  contact me if you want to go!  NO, I will NOT be at Gaskell's
Sunday is loads of work, with a bit of sleep in there if I can.
March 5th  - Watchmen
March 6th - FNW
March 7th - PEERS with Maimone and company (my god what a busy weekend for me!)
March 15th - by birthday damn you!
March 21st - Aaron's party and then driving over to Davis, picking the sister up, and then driving down to SoCal for spring break

Cross-posted to FB

birthday, schedule

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