May 23, 2008 23:37
I've just worked 25 out of 30 hours. There was a three hour nap in there, but yeah, pretty much 25 hours straight. Holy smokes....I cant decide if I want to bounce from the walls (because of the amount of caffeine in my system), or fall down dead on a couch in one of the checked out rooms. My boss is going to kick my ass when he finds out I worked an extra three hours that I want originally scheduled for (not because of the money, but because he already worries about my health and sanity)...but I took them because we couldnt fill them, and this desk HAS to stay open!! I think I'm going to fall into bed when I get home and not wake up until like 3:30pm, which is when I have to start getting ready for the blues/house party. I tried to eat normal food a little bit ago, but I ate a few bites and was so done, my body wanted to throw up because it didnt want it in my tummy. I think it's the whole not enough sleep and too much caffeine that made my stomach reject the food. I'm looking forward to taking this weekend off from work to go to friend's parties...yay to the hot tub on Sunday!!! 25 out of 30 hours...someone remind me to never be up this long at a time again when I think I can do body hates me at the moment.
I really fucking hate move out time...SOOOO much work and you feel like you're running around with your head cut off and people want to blame you for THEIR stupidity...gah! I'm very very very happy that most of the freshman have moved out now...peace and quiet!!
*goes home and dies*