(no subject)

Nov 20, 2007 18:41

While I was closing last night I made out the schedule for my new store and sent it off to my DM.

This morning I had an email from her saying that certain people were strong, certain people were weak and certain people shouldn't be worked during peak business hours. She also let me know that my part time assistant had not been trained yet and that I should call another store (one with managers to spare) and see if they could let me borrow a manager a couple days next week to cover shifts.

So, I redid the schedule and sent it off to her again.

She wrote back and said "call Diane (the current store manager at my new store)... she just emailed me and said Tawnya (who was the one person I was told was going to be strong) has no showed the past too days and shouldn't be scheduled next week."

I called Diane who was very abrupt and bitchy on the phone with me (which she always has been but I think she still has harsh feelings toward me taking over her store even though she quit) but confirmed that Tawnya had told one of the assistants that she was quitting.

So, I redid the schedule AGAIN and sent it to the DM again.

This time she passed it on to the store. I told her to have them all look it over and let me know if there are any problems or issues and we can rework a few things. It was a little hard to make a schedule for people knowing they are part time help but not knowing how many hours they typically work. Right now I have the ones my DM felt were strong working more hours and the weaker ones working less. We'll see how they feel about that when I get there.

I am working on training Adrienne for my current store so she can be ready to go when I leave. I think with another week of training she will be ready to go.

Next week I have to start training one of my new managers. I need her ready to close on her own by the following week. And that week I will be training my other new manager in hopes that she will be ready to go by the week after that. I need all 4 fully trained so I can make schedules easier by the week of Christmas at least... we'll see how that goes.

One of the assistants from the Hillsboro store (where my store manager came from) who I have met a couple of times asked me if I was excited about getting my store. I said "After everyone is there and trained I think I will be. Right now I'm stuck on nervous and stressed." Very true.

Tomorrow is my extra day off for the Thanksgiving holiday. Tonight I will be going out and trying to relax with Sarah at our bar and then maybe to IHOP afterward since neither of us has to work tomorrow.


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