Oct 18, 2007 22:16
I went in to work this afternoon and after an hour my ankle and foot were so swollen that it was actually starting to hurt. My boss called HR to see what we needed to do incase I needed to see a doctor. The lady with HR said that if I decided to go (at the time I was still thinking I should just tough it out) that I needed to call her back and she would tell me where I could go that would be covered by company insurance.
I went home and called my mom. She said the same thing the nurse said the other day - just elevate your leg and hopefully the swelling will go down - but she told me she was going to talk to some of the nurses she works with just to be sure.
So, I called my boss to see if any of the other managers had called back (I called the other two managers to see if they would be able to come in and close the store that night so that I could rest my leg) and she said that neither had called. I agreed to come back in to work to do the closing. She argued it with me a little bit, but I knew she would give in so that she wouldn't have to work an open to close stretch.
My mother called back as soon as I hung up the phone and said that the nurses had told her that I should see a doctor ASAP. Even though I had no pain or anything, they were pretty sure that my swelling was caused by a fracture or something else that could be really serious. One actually suggested that I get to the ER, but I decided that was a bit over the top.
I ended up going back to work anyway.
Tomorrow morning (assuming that the swelling doesn't go down) I will be calling HR again to see what doctor or hospital I need to go to so that I can have my leg checked out.