Wow, this sounds really tricky. I can't say that I have ever had to deal with depression myself, but I did learn some time ago that I have anger issues. I don't fly into rages and destroy things, but I do find that I can be unnecessarily upset about minor things for days at a time. I have had to make a concerted effort to not get angry about some things. That may seem very simple for most people, but it can be quite a struggle for me. In that way, I think I have some idea of what you mean when you talk about having to change your attitude about things. Keep at it.
On a completely different topic: nice photo! I love the shallow depth of field and the placement of the subject in the action point. Very artsy.
Well, I guess in some way living honestly can be tricky. It's really too easy to put the blame somewhere else and be the victim. But the beauty comes in realizing I have the huge majority of control in my life and that's really exciting 'cuz the possibilities are endless! I guess in the end all that matters is that we're working hard to become better in the areas that need work. We've gotta give ourselves a good pat on the back for that!
Thanks kindly! I was just playing around with my 50mm lens. I keep forgetting I can do micro work with it. The pic is still a little soft in places it shouldn't be, but I still like it and I had so much fun observing the creature :-)
Wow, this sounds really tricky. I can't say that I have ever had to deal with depression myself, but I did learn some time ago that I have anger issues. I don't fly into rages and destroy things, but I do find that I can be unnecessarily upset about minor things for days at a time. I have had to make a concerted effort to not get angry about some things. That may seem very simple for most people, but it can be quite a struggle for me. In that way, I think I have some idea of what you mean when you talk about having to change your attitude about things. Keep at it.
On a completely different topic: nice photo! I love the shallow depth of field and the placement of the subject in the action point. Very artsy.
Thanks kindly! I was just playing around with my 50mm lens. I keep forgetting I can do micro work with it. The pic is still a little soft in places it shouldn't be, but I still like it and I had so much fun observing the creature :-)
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