Today was a marvelously unproductive one. I got up around noon and lazied around my bedroom, continuing my Browncoat reinstation process (which Whitney had revoked and then gave back last night) by watching “Jaynestown.” So far, I’ve rewatched “Serenity” (Parts 1 & 2), “The Train Job,” “Safe,” “Shindig,” “Our Mrs. Reynolds,” and the just-mentioned “Jaynestown.” I’d really forgotten how great this show is, and I break out in a huge smile every time I hear something that has become a big Browncoat reference but I had forgotten where it was from (example: “black market beagles”). I’ve also had the last five or six episodes of “Law & Order: SVU” taking up valuable TiVo space, so I watched two of those as well. Then I cleaned my room cause it was getting a little cluttered with all the stuff I’ve been doing lately (maps of the Queen Mary, unread comic books, movie ticket stubs for scrapbooks, etc.).
I also decided it’s time to get crackin’ on getting acquainted with some of the fandoms I’ve been wanting to get into. There’s a humongous list, but near the top are “Stargate Atlantis” and “Farscape,” so I added a second disc to my Netflix account and put SGA at the top of my queue. Then I bought the three “Farscape” Starburst Collections for season 1 off because they aren’t available at Netflix OR Blockbuster Online (much to my disappointment). The only show I’ve ever bought without seeing first was “Firefly,” so I am crossing my fingers and taking my chances on “Farscape.” I figure if I don’t like it I can sell it for a bit of money to the local Video Liquidators or else give it away to someone. I’m really hoping I like it though...and if I do, the rest of the seasons are available on Netflix. I also signed up for a free Blockbuster trial, thinking they DID have “Farscape” season 1, only to find out that they only have 1 disc from the Starburst Edition, not the whole season. So I put “Twin Peaks” on there instead, only to find out the discs are a LONG wait! Grrr!
So that was my day. Maybe I'll write about Disneyland and fun bonfires later, but I'm too tired to right now. Though Steffy (
dragontamerno3) put up a good recap of the Disneyland trip on her journal (but I warn you: pay no mind to all the “spacey” comments aimed at’s all bunk!!!).