Mar 27, 2005 13:48
It's Easter Sunday today lol
I'm gonna eat loadsa eggs haha...well Friday we were off school which was great, I went to Pizza Hut for lunch then Matalan for some stuff for the kitchen, then I popped down to Ryans for a while. Stayed there 'til 'bout 6ish then I walked up the road, got some rice for my tea haha then I went to sleep caus I was totally tired. Phoned Ryan 'bout half 10, got off the phone 'bout half 11 or something then I watched The OC and then fell asleep.
Saturday I didn't do much, I was in a total bad mood and I don't even know why, I had no reason to be but I was. It was weird lol. Soo I kinda bummed about all day, watched about 6 episodes of The OC. Phoned Ryan except I didn't speak to him cause he kept passing the phone around, so I ended up just hanging up without saying bye to him. I said bye to all the other people I spoke to though. Pfft. Haha so then I fell asleep, woke up just in time for dinner haha then Ryan phoned me but got cut off so I phoned him back, spoke for approximately 6minutes and 22seconds, got off the phone, he text me later then I fell asleep.
Today I have no plans, I MAY start studying but that's not definite yet lol. Probably phone Hollie or Jill at some point, and bum about some more haha. Ach well that's my weekend for
*Btw have a listen to Marques Houston's new song That Girl, it's really good, helps with jealousy lol