Mar 13, 2006 18:43
Okay, so I forgot my password and have not written in here for a while. I tried all the possible passwords that I had at Jennifer's the other day, and I know it again, so I am back.
I have been busy working lately. Trying to get used to my new job is stressful. I have not figured out how to organize myself and it is hard to remember all of the things that I have to do. It is also hard because the lives of kids depend on how I handle things. I do like the job so far, but I am definitely seeing a different side to the world. I am learning a lot about drugs and the lower economic class. Some people really have things bad, and a lot of it isn't their fault. It makes me appreciate what I have been blessed with. I grew up in a good family and always had the things I needed and wanted. I never questioned my parents love for me or my sister and brother. We had some problems growing up, but nothing compared to what I am seeing now.
I have been somewhat moody lately, and I can't really put my finger on why. Some of it might be my job, and some of it is personal life, but I catch myself being irritable, and I am really trying to not take it out on other people. Sometimes I feel like too many things are going on in my brain.
Next week I have two doctor appointments. One is for a physical because I think I have been having a few problems with circulation. I am always paranoid that I am going to get diabetes because it runs in my family and I have a high likelihood of getting least that is what doctors have told me.
My other appointment is just a well-woman exam, but I am really afraid that she will say that I need surgery again. I really don't want to hear that right now because it makes me feel like I have to decide between a hysterectomy or a myomectomy again. I already had a myomectomy, and I can't keep having those. They are too invasive and they weaken my uterus each time they are done. It was less than a year after my first surgery that my doctor was already talking about surgery again. If I don't get the myomectomy then I will have to get a hysterectomy because my fibroids are getting too big again. They can start pushing into things that matter...and I won't be able to go the bathroom and stuff like that. I can tell that my fibroids are getting big again. I am getting the same types of pains that I used to get, but so far I don't have trouble with the bathroom. At the time of my other surgery I was having trouble. I don't know if that means they aren't as big yet, or maybe they grew in a different direction this time and aren't pushing so much in that area. Oh well...I'll find out next week.