This will be a habit. Fair warning.

Oct 05, 2007 12:29

Friday mornings (and possibly Thursday evenings) will be All About Supernatural. Seriously. Because my show! is back!!!

For those of you who don't watch, a) why not?, b) do you *not* like hot boys with guns and lots of angst?, and c) see previous questions. For real.

Oh, SHOW. You're back! With extra! added! Bobby! And an as-yet unnamed female regular, who seems to be stalking Sam! (And, really, who wouldn't be?) Plus, new hunters, who were only sort of red shirts, and man, we better see some more Tamara, because she kicked ASS. Kripke, are you listening?

As others have mentioned, yeah, this was a little exposition heavy, but they're playing to (we hope) new viewers, so I forgive them. And it was handled pretty well. To sum up, Dean made a deal with a demon to bring Sam back to life, Sam's not too happy about it (since, um, that means *he* will have to live without Dean a year from now), and Bobby is settling into the father-figure role quite nicely, even if he's no longer driving a John-like truck.

Oh, and a lot of demons were loosed on the world when Dean and Sam finally killed the YED. Ooops. Yup, they have work to do.

And Dean is way eager to do it. What's better than food, sex, and kicking demon ass, after all? (Hmm, could it be that killing demons will take his mind off the fact that he's got an iron-clad expiration date now? And that he does feel a little guilty about what will happen to Sam when he's gone?) They made Dean's live-every-day-to-its-fullest pretty clear, so let's hope that doesn't have to be hammered home every episode. Unless we get to see more of him in a wifebeater. That would be okay.

Sam as "the prodigy, the boy king." Guess the YED did have big plans for him. Sam, of course, does not seem happy to hear this. Especially not from Pride, one of the seven deadlies the boys managed to dispatch (well, with help from as-yet unnamed female regular). Speaking of which, hello? The seven deadlies could have been a fabulous season-long Big Bad. But ... they're not going to be, I guess. Unless Kripke applies more handwavium than usual.

There was so much awesome Sam-and-Dean here, especially when it was summed up in lines like Dean's, "There's a light at the end of the tunnel," and Sam's, "That's hellfire." Plus, as others have mentioned, the silent look that passes between them as they ready for battle. Some things will never change, thank all that is holy.

Sam's concern about Dean was nicely understated, I think -- especially since this is only a week after he was, you know, DEAD. Not much time to brood there, although I love that the opening shots of them both were Sam reading up on Dr. Faustus and Dean getting his horndog on in a motel room (while, you know, checking up on Sam through the window beforehand, with an ADORKABLE wave). Perfect way to set the tone.

There's more, but it's mostly just me squeeing and flapping my hands in glee ("Candygram!" "What's in the box?!"), and, well, I'll be doing that every week, so I thought I'd take it easy to today.


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