Jan 20, 2009 21:53
I've been reminded, yet again, about how I only write here when I'm depressed. So, I thought I would start 2009 out right by writing a list of my blessings.
1. I'm thankful that I have a loving husband, family, and friends.
2. I am so happy that my husband is finally student teaching because it means that he does not have to drive down to Lincoln (45 mins each way) every day and is not eating out as much (as he has to bring his own lunch).
3. I am happy that I have my church job that is full of wonderful people who love music and love to worship God. I am continually amazed by how much we can do together. I'm learning to like the "Praise Team" aspect of my job.
4. I am grateful that I travel to two other schools because I am reminded that perhaps I don't suck as a teacher after all.
5. I enjoy being reminded of my students' accomplishments (past and present).
6. While I'm a bit peeved by things breaking in my apartment (the toilet), I appreciate how much roomier and nice this current apartment is than our last one. Oh, it is SO nice to have 2 bathrooms and a dishwasher.
7. I'm grateful that I have such loving in-laws. They made the Christmas holiday really nice (I didn't cry once!) since it was my first Christmas away from my family.
8. I'm grateful for Nana. She is, as my husband says, "bat shit crazy," but I love her tremendously, and she is about to celebrate her 95th birthday.
9. I'm grateful that we have a little bit more money this year so I can shop every so often and afford a membership to a gym that I really like. Yay exercise!
10. While my job can be stressful during the year, I really enjoy having my summers to travel and visit friends and family.
11. I appreciate the fact that I have a new car that runs smoothly (despite the dent in the front bumper from the raccoon that we ran over in Lincoln this weekend).
OK, so that's not an all-encompassing list, but it's a start.
Happy 2009 Everyone!