Hey drummer boy, don't you remember?

Mar 04, 2006 17:03

i woke up at 6:40 this morning to leave here by 7:30 to be at ASU by 8 for the journalism competition. I did the news writing, feature writing, and correcting. None of us knew what to expect, so i was really nervous about the news writing. They gave us a couple of pages of information and we had to write an article based on what was given to us. I think i did pretty bad on that.

I had a lot of fun with the feature writing though, because we had a lot to work with. They basically told us that these two girls a few years ago were president and vice president of something at asu, and gave us some background about that, and how they both have twin sisters. the rest was all quotes from each set of twins. and since it was feature writing, i pretty much pointed my story towards what having a twin is like, rather than the little club deal.

correcting the story they gave us was a little hard. i'm not the worlds best speller so i didn't know if what they had was right or wrong. And the quotation marks were all screwed up, so that was aggravating. And some things just plain out didn't make sense, and if it was something i was proofing in journalsim, i'd ask the person what the heck they were trying to say. but since there was noone to ask, i didn't know what point was trying to be made, so i didn't know how to make it make sense. buuut i liked it.

The View placed 4th for the newspaper contest thing, so that was awesome. LOGAN got 1st place in headlines and hannah got 2nd. and chelsey won a bobble head. wooooo.

i thought it was a lot of fun. i want to go next year.

oh and on a side note: i've taken 40 seconds off of my time in the 800m run since we started monday, so that makes me happy. even if i'm still slow, it's nice to know that i'm improving.
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