Aug 03, 2007 14:23
haven't posted in a long time, but things have been going well. busy, as usual. i think i'm happiest when i have several things going on... i just invent work for myself. since getting back from ireland (which was amazing) i've been slowly getting back into a practice habit as well as cleaning up around the apartment. here are some highlights, and the reasons thereof:
studio- moved around most of the furniture to make room for the piano we're getting next week!! My grandmother (dad's mom in cleveland) is moving into a two bedroom condo and is getting rid of a lot of her furniture. tony and i have claimed the piano (upright, not sure what maker) and the coffee table. so, new studio set-up which is working out quite well. i'm trying to be less messy and lazy... like always.
closet- cleaning out old clothes and giving things away. shopping for new, dressy, "adult" clothes. why? I just got hired as the bassoon professor at the University of Dayton! its an adjunct position and i only have a couple students, but its great on the resume and a good start in the college teaching world. so i have to look presentable for that and my dayton phil ww quintet gigs.
misc- making room for the sweet paraphernalia i brought back from the guinness factory... which was excellent. absolute heaven. i will most likely do a longer post just on ireland stuff. other than that just getting excerpts organized and reeds made for upcoming auditions.
next week tony goes to band camp and i start summer classes for third summer term at ccm. i'm taking analysis of 20th century music and also doing the grandin choral festival. (don't worry. I don't have to sing. just play bassoon. everyone is thankful.) that's about it. books read this summer include harry potter 5,6, and 7 (reread 5 for the movie, then 6 to prepare for 7), Candide (which was amazing) and currently I'm halfway through re-reading catch-22, one of my favorites.
time to go practice.