Apr 18, 2006 23:20
Just wow...
Wasn't it just yesterday I was packing my bags and headed to Torino?
Or an hour ago that I was returning to Ithaca and getting adjusted to school again, and you're telling me its almost over? NOOOOOOOO.
Boy...now I'm just gonna cry.
All of my seniors are about 27 days away from graduation. 27 days left of hanging out with them and possibly seeing them for the last time. I know that it comes to me as a huge wake-up call...just because that means I'LL be the one being the senior next year and preparing for my life on my own. Part of me is ready to go and get on with my life, part of me still wants to stay wrapped up in the coccoon of college. I mean today I was looking around for apartments near the Fox Studios in Century City. I think I'm ready to go and work, but at the same time I want to be surrounded by some of my friends here.
School's been good too. It was really warm this weekend, so after I got out of work I convinced my roomies to go down to Stewart Park right off the lake. It got chilly real quick since we were right on the water so we retreated back to the apartment, but not before we made a trip to Weggies for some food. Last minute we decided that we wanted to have a BBQ. So we grabbed some chicken and sides to grill up. Had the whole crew come up: Dave made veggies and BBQ chicken, I marinated chicken in Italian dressing, Lindsay made the fries, Christina set the table and Lee was the grillmaster. Then afterwards we played trival persuit and Mark came up to visit with his friend Pete, who wound up passing out a half hour later. He also wound up locking himself in our bathroom and Mark had to call him to make sure he was ok.
I'm already into the pre-production of Griddo for the 2006 season. Excel sheets are made up with a crew list, coaches list, and an expense list of the materials for all the pre-production. I can't wait..I have a set in mind, now all I have to do is build it. That should be fun. I can't wait...gonna be KICK ass.
This summer should be pretty exciting too..maybe I'll meet up with some Torino folks, do a couple of day camps, work at the 'ol Subway, cover arena2 football games and AAA baseball games back home and actually get PAID....and turn 21!!! Woah..so can't wait. It should be busy..plus I think I'm going on the college hunt again, this time with my brother. Should be..well interesting.
I guess that's just about wraps up my update....I've covered everything.
PS: The Hofstra folks never came up...scheduling conflicts...so hopefully I'll see a couple of them over the summer or they'll visit in the fall :)