
football, spies, war and wrestling

Jul 27, 2024 11:32

I get most of my entertainment news through ohnotheydidnt, which i read more for the entertainment of the comments than the actual news. But, you know, at least by browsing that comm every day i knew the name Charlie XCX years before it unexpectedly popped up in the "serious" news, even though i still have no idea what her music sounds like.

One of the latest bits of entertainment news that popped up was some kind of scandal about the Canadian football (soccer) teams, who apparently for years have been using drones to record other teams' practice sessions, shocked Pikachu face.

Like, who fucking gives a shit?

This is the moment where i realize that even though i occasionally watch sports, and even though as a kid i used to stay up till the wee hours of the morning to watch the FA Cup finals and the NBA finals... I actually don't give a shit about sports the way sports fans give a shit about sports.

"Oh it's shameful! It's cheating!" But... nobody was doping. Nobody was paying off the officials. Nobody was messing with the ball. Nobody was injuring a competitor. "No, you don't understand, football is all about strategy, watching other teams practice is cheating, it's like stealing the enemy battle plans during a war!"

I mean, where do i start. Stealing the enemy battle plans is exactly what combatants should be doing during a war! Fucking hell. Who wants to sit around on their asses getting bombed like fucking idiots when they could find out where the bombs are going to land and move out of the way? Or, like, shoot down the bombs. Or kill the guys who are launching them. If you aren't doing ISR, you're doing warfare wrong.

And we know this because there's literally a full-ass peer scale war going on right fucking now between two countries backed by some of the best ISR in the world. Satellites, radar, planes, drones, psy ops, hackers, spies... that shit is all part of the game, and if you don't have it aligned with your command and control, your guys are going to die unnecessarily.

If football is not a game in which teams of athletes compete to see whose athletes are the best, and actually it's a grand strategy campaign waged by chin-stroking geniuses behind the scenes, then why the fuck is it cheating to research your opponent's strategy and develop counter-strategies? It's the most absurd shit i ever heard.

Sports are fucking stupid.

I think this is why in my old age i prefer professional wrestling, because all the dastardly cheating and underhanded tactics are baked into the storyline. Just like the violence, it's pushed to exactly the point it needs to be pushed to make for an exciting spectacle, and then - if the storyline hits - the audience gets more engaged in the conflict, and the tensions rise till the eventual payoff where the baddie gets what's coming to them. Then we move on to the next angle.

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An Intense Hangman Adam Page calls his shot

If you want entertainment, why not go for something designed to be as entertaining as possible? You still get to watch top-tier athletes doing amazing stunts, you still get to see people pushing their bodies to the limit, taking crazy risks, getting injured and sometimes even dying. And as a bonus, you don't need to come up with weird excuses why one guy watching another guy practice is cheating, but another guy tripping over nothing and feigning an injury is a legitimate tactical play. Gimme a break.

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Mason Madden & Mansoor live by the 3 Fs

I have some kind of rant i could do about people taking their entertainment way too fucking seriously, but i will save that for another day.

wrestling, news

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