
the friday five for mar 24, 2023

Mar 25, 2023 13:15

Memes are a good way for me to not think or stress about work for a few minutes. More answers on thefridayfive.

1. Forest: Do you spend a lot of time in nature? Do you want to?

I suppose a lot of this question depends on what you consider to be nature. Most of the green spaces i can get to easily aren't really nature in the sense that there is still human development out there. Cycle paths, hiking trails, 亭/tíngs... Does farmland count as nature? Visiting real backcountry wilderness is difficult to do without an internal combustion vehicle to get there, which in most cases i feel isn't worth the trade-off. I prefer to spend time in accessible locations with fewer people over distant locations that are widely popular for their "naturalness". That said, i would like to get out more than i do.

2. Cereal: What do you usually eat for breakfast?

Avena con fruta, or oats with fruit. Started eating it when i was traveling by bike and the habit has stuck. Simple, healthy, nutritious.

3. Flu: How do you cope with getting a minor illness?

It annoys me to get sick. I especially resent it when it encroaches on my weekend or holidays. Since COVID i have been more mindful to take precautions to avoid getting sick because i realized life without respiratory infection was pretty good.

4. Worm: What sort of dirty/messy activities do you enjoy?

I don't really like getting dirty or messy. It's just creating unnecessary work for yourself later. My mom always said she's lazy - don't make a mess, won't have to clean it. I concur. However, i do have some "dirty" habits that i revel in from time to time. For example, normally i shower and change my clothes every day when i am working, but some weekends or work from home days i'll hang out in the same kit overnight and enjoy the funk. Although, to be honest, it's not really all that dirty since it's quite doable to stay presentable for several days without a bar of soap. Maybe what makes it dirty isn't so much the fact you're not washing or changing per se, but that you are wallowing in it.

5. Bang: What's the last celebration you went to?

I tend to avoid celebrations, or any kind of "enforced fun". I suppose there was an end of year thing for work a month or two back, just lunch for the whole office. Of course it was at some fancy hotel's buffet restaurant, and of course the only vegan things on offer were fucking salad and fruit juice. That kind of shit is exactly why celebrations suck. They're always lowest common denominator, they're never what you actually like or want, because they're not for you, they're for everyone else.

Today i will make my own personal celebration. Amw Had A Shitty Week And Made It To Saturday Day. I will buy a baguette and drown it in peanut butter, olive oil and 蔭油膏 soy sauce. I might spoil myself with an afternoon coffee (normally i only have morning coffee). Ethiopean, even though it's expensive, because the fruity flavors make me happy. Maybe i will watch some TV. This will be different from any other Saturday not because it is, but because i deemed it to be so. You're not invited. I'm wallowing. But i urge you to come up with your own personal celebration, because i am sure it will be more to your tastes than mine.

depression, memes

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