
a short update

Sep 05, 2020 17:47

What have i been doing for the past week?

Retirement fucking confirmed. Although, i am getting paid for this gardening work. It's not nearly enough to cover the rent, but it'll comfortably cover groceries and booze.

I have weeded and pruned more in the past week than i have in my entire life put together. Weeding makes me feel a little bit sad, because i pull out all these wonderful native grasses and wildflowers. Badass national icons like thistles also got to go. Pruning also feels destructive, tearing off dead flowers and stems, but my boss and landlord has explained they'll die anyway when winter comes so i'm just moving it along a bit to avoid a giant asspain when the leaves fall.

You guys. Gardening is just a giant asspain, period. Well, it's more of a backpain.

But, also, even though i'm ripping out plants i'd like to save and giving ones i don't care about a haircut, it does feel good to do some physical work. I have been poking my head in and out of the tech industry jobs and... i fucking hate it. I hate it, i hate it, i hate it. It's always the same shit, but it's utterly pretentious about being cutting edge and dynamic and exciting and whatever. You can't just be a worker, you need to be a bullshit artist too. End of the day, i been cutting code 20 years and all the tools and libraries and brand names changed, but the work is exactly the fucking same and i hate it.

Gardening isn't pretentious, it's just gardening. People have been doing it for thousands of years.

Anyway, it's been a quiet week of pottering about the house and introspection. I did take a ride today, though, past the airport and into the gravel.

I found a beach down some back road where people had hauled seats, coolers and barbecues. Up the creek were a bunch of folks fishing. I guess it's getting close to salmon season.

People out here, fish, drink, barbecue and sunbake. Several of these things i can get behind. But since i have no friends, i just keep on riding.

bike, my boring life, career

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