
Internationale Solidarität!

Mar 08, 2017 23:08

I went on strike today. It wasn't a full day strike because i wanted to be in the office for a meeting just after lunch, but after that i walked out. Of course, i can work flexible hours and did several hours work last Saturday so was probably due a few hours off anyway, but it's the principle. I made sure everyone knew my reasons, and must admit ( Read more... )

protest, gender

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amw March 9 2017, 07:25:42 UTC
Crap, I had a long reply to this typed up and LJ ate it. Cliff's Notes - see my comment to sweetmeow (below) regarding whether striking is exercising a privilege.

Regarding times: the Berlin demos started in the early afternoon and went on till 9pm so there was an opportunity for 9-5 workers to join later if they wanted. But I don't think scheduling in the evening or the weekend is necessarily helpful for the poor who tend to work shift jobs anyway. Not to mention that minimizing the interruption kinda defeats the point of a workers' protest or strike.

Regarding non-binary stuff: this is a really interesting and tricky topic. Intersectionality is important so we can lift up those with less privilege, but is there an intersection between people who identify as no gender and people who identify as women? In the case of female-bodied non-binary folks I would say yes, for sure - if society sees you as a woman you face the same oppression regardless.

In Germany, women's activists use the term women* to indicate that the definition of "women" extends beyond just ciswomen. For example:

** When we write women* we mean:WLTI* WomenLesbianTrans*Inter*

I think most women's groups in the world are inclusive of transwomen these days, but it still makes a difference to see that asterisk there in the name of the event and through all the literature. It makes it very clear that we are also part of the picture, as are transmen and other non-conforming folk who have been oppressed by the patriarchy.

Also, that Texas bathroom bill is a disgrace. I am sorry :(

Sorry if this comes out a bit short, my original comment was much better worded and thought-out.


rayefrenzy March 9 2017, 17:23:13 UTC
I think generally I'd've been more inclined to participate had the bill not passed through. Its disheartening to see all these huge marches but when it came to the trans* issues, hardly anyone showed up.

also, i get the point of the workers strike. just here in america [and especially texas] we have no workers rights. i could get fired for striking.

idk i mostly just feel defeated by the bathroom bill shit


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