Still basking in the glow of lobster rolls and steamers

Jul 03, 2010 16:03

Wait, can you bask in the glow of a lobster roll?  That makes sense, right?  A little bit?  Maybe if it were radioactive.  Or on fire.  Or, in this case, glowing with deliciousness.

We were on vacation last week, up in New Hampshire (crickets, green green grass, cold watermelon, tiny frogs, and a visit to the 'Swap Shack' at the town dump) and Maine (lobster rolls, shell collecting, steamers, more green green grass, and sand castles).  I had so much great hang-out time with my folks, got to see my grampy and my grandma, cousins, and aunts.  It was so clean, and quiet, and peaceful.  And then we came back to Brooklyn, and something that was not an animal had taken a poop on the subway platform.  I'm not easily skeeved out.  I've seen lots of things here, but the pile doo doo on the subway platform was almost enough to send us packing back to the land of cricket songs and lobster rolls.

It's a good thing we love Brooklyn but man oh man is our love being tested.

I'm happy to report that I finished the next draft of the fetchingly titled UNTITLED NYC MYSTERY, but now I am in that nether-world where I'm waiting for the editorial letter, half missing the world of the story, and half not ever wanting to see it again.

And now I MUST go drink some lemonade before I completely evaporate.

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