NYC Teen Author Festival!

Mar 03, 2010 20:39

Oh my head!*  It's been so long since I've posted.  Last time I wrote I was risking life and limb at Kindling Words in Vermont.  That was in JANUARY!  That's practically last year!

And now it's this year, which means that my new book is finally finally finally finally coming out.  THE EXILE OF GIGI LANE hits bookstores (don't you just picture someone driving by in a beat up Corolla, hurling copies of my book at bookstore windows?  No?  I guess it's just me then) on April 6th!  Which happens to be the exact date of my book release party at WORD bookstore in the best neighborhood in Brooklyn -- Greenpoint! More on that soon, I promise.  Just know that I would love love love to see you there.

But before the book is even officially on shelves, I'll be reading and talking about GIGI at the NYC TEEN AUTHOR FESTIVAL!  Holy crow, there are going to be so many amazing authors, and so many amazing events, I CANNOT WAIT!

Here's my own schedule, and here is the full list of events.

The NYC Teen Author Festival! 
More teen authors than you can shake a stick at!

March 18th Five Borough Read
Central Branch, Brooklyn Public Library, Dweck  Auditorium , 10 Grand Army Plaza
10AM Emily Horner
Melissa Kantor
Matthue Roth
Siobhan Vivian
Adrienne Maria Vrettos
Melissa Walker
Robin Wasserman

March 19th NYC Teen Author Festival Symposium
South Court, 42nd Street, 2-5 and 7-9:30
6:45 - 8:30 PM:  
What it Feels Like for a Girl - Writing in a Teen Girl’s Voice
Jessica Blank
Eireann Corrigan
Sarah Dessen 
Jenny Han
Terra Elan McVoy
Siobhan Vivian
Adrienne Maria Vrettos
Jacqueline Woodson

Books of Wonder Author Signing
18 West 18th Street
New York, NY 10011
(212) 989-3270
Gazillions of teen authors!

I will be signing at 5PM


*There was a kid fifth grade who used to say 'Oh my head!'  I thought he was dreamy.  But then I discovered he liked to sniff his own, erm, gassy bi-products and our one-sided love affair was over.

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