Talk to me.

Jan 20, 2010 08:58

I'm having the damndest time hearing my main character's voice. It's like tuning a radio, but all I can hear is static. Occasionally, a station breaks through. First, a film noir radio mystery. Fantastic! But then I lose that and in comes a morning show with a raunchy female host. Okay, I can try to work with that. But then comes NPR, This American Life, with a sixteen-year old, voice all up in her head, like she's talking to herself, instead of to America, about her life and these things that have happened to her. But then I lose that voice too, and there's just static. I know the voice I'm trying to find is some sort of mash-up of all three. It's just finding it that feels impossible right now.

Do you ever write a line that sounds so right to you, that you google it because you imagine it sounds so right because someone else must have already written it?

Just wondering.

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