This one, or that one? How do you decide?

Oct 27, 2009 17:01

Wait, it's October???  Wait, it's almost NOVEMBER?

What the what?!

How did that happen?  Just yesterday I was shaking sand out of our bathing suits, and now I'm debating if it's cold enough to break out the ridiculously huge winter boots that seemed like such a good idea when they were on sale.  For the record, giant boots don't make the rest of you look tall and skinny by comparison.  You just look like you with really, absurdly big feet.


Fall has been flying by, but in the very best way.  September was the wedding of one of our best friends -- the person who actually introduced me to my husband.  So, you know, we're big fans of both he and his lady.  I did a reading that was a mash-up of lines from their favorite movies and songs, and managed not to cry.  We saw friends and met their little one's for the first time, always a strange and wonderful experience.  I know I'm a grown-up and all, but it's still a little weird that if a friend gets pregnant now my reaction isn't, "Oh my God, what are you going to do?  Is your mom going to kick you out?"

Two weekends ago was my Grandmother's 90th birthday.  It was amazing to see our LO with her Great Grandma.  There was a jam session because, well, that's how most family gatherings end up.  It involved my dad on piano, my brother on guitar, and lots of little girls dancing.  Of *course* I could have joined in with some college-era conga drumming, but I didn't want to scare anybody.

And now it's almost Halloween.  LO is going as a tiger, though she would rather not Grrr.  She prefers to look regal from atop her dad's shoulders.  Also, when we went to a pre-Halloween parade last weekend and let the kids run around at a beer garden, we discovered her tiger pants fall down which is actually handy because it stops her from running away.  Running away is her new favorite thing.  She (usually) stops if you yell (with your heart in your mouth feeling like you are going to have a stroke) STOP!  She'll stop, turn and smile.  It's even cuter with her tiger pants around her knees.

I'm reading a book called The Island of the Center of the World.  It's about the Dutch colony formed on what is now Manhattan before the English took over.  It's well written, great non-fiction, but... where are the women?  Were there really no women worth noting,  besides the prostitutes the author mentions here and there?  Were the mothers, daughters, wives, sisters really doing nothing worth mentioning?

I swear I hear the theme song from Two and a Half Men when I read the author's descriptions of the dudes that (apparently, without help from the ladies) founded the colony.  Men men men, manly men!

I'm only half-way through, so I'm holding out hope that the book will eventually pay some attention to the second sex.  And perhaps more than an off-hand mention of the fact that there were slaves living on the island.

Oh, the reason I started the book in the first place is because my next book takes place here, in New York City.  It has nothing to do with the city's founding but writing it is a great excuse to dork out and read non-fiction (and then complain about it and hope the author doesn't read my blog and send me an all-caps email)

Happy fall, all!

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