Title: Another face
amusinglee404Characters/Pairings: Harry/Scorpius, implied Harry/Draco
Rating: R
Challenge: #33 Deception
Summary: Scorpius pretends to be someone he's not, in order to be with the man he loves.
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. No money is being made from this ficton which is presented for entertainment purposes only.
“Draco,” was muttered breathlessly against his neck and Scorpius couldn’t stop himself from flinching. Instantly Harry’s grip tightened on his wrists, pinning him down more firmly, and the green eyes that met his were malicious with the knowledge that his marks would be left on the pale skin for days to come.
“Don’t fight me,” Harry hissed, “Or we’re through.”
Scorpius nodded softly, ignoring the tears that burned down his cheeks. He hadn’t meant to fall in love with the brilliant, brutal man who fucked him. In the end, he was only the deception and not the one Harry saw.