Title: Something of a challenge
amusinglee404Characters: Harry Potter/ Scorpius Malfoy
Rating: G
Challenge: Written for Challenge #1 Fresh start at
harryscorp100Summary: Harry faces a new challenge
Disclaimer: The characters used herein are not mine. No money is being made from this fiction which is for entertainments purposes only.
Heaving a box onto the double bed that dominated the master bedroom, Harry sighed heavily. The flat was still barely furnished; it seemed cold and empty. And after living in a house that was always so full; of laughter, of his children, of everything Harry had ever wanted, getting used to something so new was going to be a challenge.
Harry turned and caught the concerned eyes of his lover and he was filled with a rush of warmth. It would be a challenge, but this was his fresh start with Scorpius and he wouldn’t let anything ruin it.