Dec 18, 2012 22:58
These are ranked in each film (or actor's) likelihood of receiving a nomination.
Best Picture
1. Zero Dark Thirty
2. Lincoln
3. Argo
4. Les Miserables
5. Silver Linings Playbook
6. Beasts of the Southern Wild
7. The Master
8. Life of Pi
9. Django Unchained
10. Moonrise Kingdom
Best Director
1. Kathryn Bigelow -- Zero Dark Thirty
2. Ben Affleck -- Argo
3. Steven Spielberg -- Lincoln
4. Ang Lee -- Life of Pi
5. David O'Russell -- Silver Linings Playbook
6. Paul Thomas Anderson -- The Master
7. Tom Hooper -- Les Miserables
8. Wes Anderson -- Moonrise Kingdom
9. Benh Zeitlin -- Beasts of the Southern Wild
10. Quentin Tarantino -- Django Unchained
Best Actor
1. Daniel Day-Lewis -- Lincoln
2. Bradley Cooper -- Silver Linings Playbook
3. Joaquin Phoenix -- The Master
4. John Hawkes -- The Sessions
5. Hugh Jackman -- Les Miserables
6. Denzel Washington -- Flight
7. Bill Murray -- Hyde Park on Hudson
8. Jean-Louis Trintignant -- Amour
9. Jamie Foxx -- Django Unchained
10. Jack Black -- Bernie
Best Actress
1. Jessica Chastain -- Zero Dark Thirty
2. Jennifer Lawrence -- Silver Linings Playbook
3. Emanuelle Riva -- Amour
4. Marion Cotillard -- Rust and Bone
5. Naomi Watts -- The Impossible
6. Quvenzhane Wallis -- Beasts of the Southern Wild
7. Helen Mirren -- Hitchcock
8. Keira Knightley -- Anna Karenina
9. Emayatazy Corinealdi -- Middle of Nowhere
10. Rachel Weisz -- Deep Blue Sea
Best Supporting Actor
1. Tommy Lee Jones -- Lincoln
2. Philip Seymour Hoffman -- The Master
3. Alan Arkin -- Argo
4. Leonardo DiCaprio -- Django Unchained
5. Robert DeNiro -- Silver Linings Playbook
6. Christoph Waltz -- Django Unchained
7. Javier Bardem -- Skyfall
8. Ezra Millers -- The Perks of Being a Wallflower
9. Matthew McConaughey -- Magic Mike
10. Dwight Henry -- Beasts of the Southern Wild
Best Supporting Actress
1. Anne Hathaway -- Les Miserables
2. Sally Field -- Lincoln
3. Amy Adams -- The Master
4. Helen Hunt -- The Sessions
5. Ann Dowd -- Compliance
6. Judi Dench -- Skyfall
7. Maggie Smith -- The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel
8. Emma Watson -- The Perks of Being a Wallflower
9. Samantha Barks -- Les Miserables
10. Nicole Kidman -- The Paperboy
Best Original Screenplay
1. Zero Dark Thirty
2. The Master
3. Looper
4. Moonrise Kingdom
5. Django Unchained
6. The Cabin in the Woods
7. Take This Waltz
8. Amour
9. Seven Psychopaths
10. Ruby Sparks
Best Adapted Screenplay
1. Lincoln
2. Argo
3. Silver Linings Playbook
4. The Perks of Being a Wallflower
5. Life of Pi
6. Les Miserables
7. The Sessions
8. Beasts of the Southern Wild
9. Anna Karenina
10. Cloud Atlas
Best Animated Feature Film
1. Frankenweenie
2. ParaNorman
3. Brave
4. Wreck-It Ralph
5. Rise of the Guardians
6. Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted
7. Hotel Transylvania
8. Pirates! Band of Misfits
9. Ice Age 4: Continental Drift
10. The Secret World of Arietty
Best Foreign Film
1. Amour
2. The Intouchables
3. Holy Motors
4. Rust and Bone
5. A Royal Affair
6. Headhunters
7. War Witch
8. Kon-Tiki
9. Once Upon a Time in Anatolia
10. The Raid: Redemption
Best Documentary Feature Film
1. Searching for Sugar Man
2. How to Survive a Plague
3. Queen of Versailles
4. The Central Park Five
5. The Imposter
6. The Invisible War
7. Bully
8. Marina Abramovic: The Artist is Present
9. West of Memphis
10. Ai-Wei: Never Sorry
Best Cinematography
1. Life of Pi
2. Zero Dark Thirty
3. The Master
4. Skyfall
5. Lincoln
6. Les Miserables
7. Beasts of the Southern Wild
8. Django Unchained
9. Cloud Atlas
10. Moonrise Kingdom
Best Original Score
1. Beasts of the Southern Wild
2. Life of Pi
3. The Master
4. Lincoln
5. Argo
6. Skyfall
7. Moonrise Kingdom
8. Cloud Atlas
9. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
10. Zero Dark Thirty
Best Film Editing
1. Zero Dark Thirty
2. Les Miserables
3. Argo
4. Life of Pi
5. Lincoln
6. The Master
7. Skyfall
8. Silver Linings Playbook
9. Cloud Atlas
10. Flight
Best Art Direction
1. Les Miserables
2. Anna Karenina
3. Lincoln
4. Moonrise Kingdom
5. Cloud Atlas
6. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
7. The Master
8. Argo
9. Life of Pi
10. Prometheus