I was just talking to my parents last night on the phone, and apparently my mom's laptop (it's an iBook) crashed, and they think she's lost everything!! How horrible! Because I'm sure she's got a great deal of stuff for her class. Wow. I suppose that computers aren't never as reliable as you'd expect [or hope] them to be. That got me worried about my laptop, and I can only imagine how pissed off I'd be if it crashed. But I tried to reassure myself by saying that it's expensive so it probably won't do that, but you really never know. They [my parents] said that I should get a thumb/flash drive and put as much as I can on that, just in case. I would totally freak out if something weird like that happened to my laptop...just thinking about it sends chills up my spine.
You Are 20% Borderline
Your personality isn't borderline anything.
You're happy, stable, content, together... ever consider being a therapist?
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