So, I sent this modeling application in online--via email--just for the heck of it. I saw an ad in Seventeen or Cosmogirl (not sure which one; could've been both actually) for, which is the site for a [modeling] magazine, and a way for girls/women to start modeling; when I saw that they accept short models, I got a bit excited -- for the last couple of years, I've thought it'd be really cool to model, but I knew I didn't have a chance, seeing as I'm only 5'0"! Well, I got an email back from them today, and I may have potential, can you believe it? But now that I think about it, it may be a lot of committment, though it's a great way to make money. If I'm still interested, I need to call them within the next 10 days. I may not seem like the model type, and I'm not exactly the best at posing for the camera (lol), but I've been told I'm pretty, and I guess being skinny helps too. (Though not TOO skinny).
Who runs your life?
You respect your friend's opinions-but you won't follow advice that you don't agree with. Like with the curfew rule, for instance: You'd never make your parents mad just to make your friends happy. So sometimes you fall in with the crowd, and other times you go solo. Either way, your friends give you props for respecting their right to express even more for knowing when to disagree.