(no subject)

May 23, 2006 12:48

Today is the first day of Lazarus IV rehearsals since last year around this time. I can honestly say I'm the most nervous I've been in over 5 years about rehearsing with the band. I'm also very excited, four of us havent been in the same place together in over three years. And two days ago was the first time I spoke to Jared in over a year. Talk about the nerves getting fired up. One of my last memories I have of Jared and I being in the same room is when we were working out the parts for one of the songs I wrote and we got into a huge fight which resulted in nearly a fist fight. The band wrote one more song after that one, a riff that I brought in but Jared and I were not in the same room when it was put together. Wow. It's good to talk about these things, when I called him the other day though the conversation was short, positive and we both seemed a little nervous, not knowing what to say to the other. I hung out with Ryan all day Saturday and it was as if none of the shit between us ever happened. I'm starting to see that it wasn't him and it wasn't me, it was just all the build ups and all the crashing downs that happen in bands that drove us crazy. The industry, or rather the hopes of getting into the industry were what tore us apart. We could only blame each other on why we weren't able to make it and get signed. Jared put together some money and paid for more then 75% of the money to make a Best of Lazarus IV disc. He placed the order the other day and we should be getting them in on the 28th. I'm excited about that and anxious to see how it goes. We are going to be giving the CD's away at the show. I think the show is going to be excellent, we were always a very tight band and always put forth all the energy we ever had into all of our shows, which is why people loved and hated us. I hope a lot of people decide to come out to the event. It would be great to see all the old faces again. I wonder what songs we are going to play at the show, I think we agreed on a lot of material that would be worth playing one more time, atleast to us. Anyway, tell a lot of people about the show. It's on Thursday June 1st, Andrews Park. 8-10pm free show, as are all Andrews Park events. If you remember us and liked us come on out and tell a friend, and if you didnt like us tell an enemy, maybe they'll have better taste.
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