(no subject)

May 08, 2006 05:33

So it's 5:30 in the am and I'm tired of being apart of the night time world. I've done this gig for almost 3 years and frankly it's getting old. I really want to work at the union or at the natural history museum as a security guard for what would make up in pay for my tips and I could ride my bike to work and not have to have abnormal hours so I can support myself and Cathy. I dont mind staying up until 2ish but this has just got to stop. It is truly taking a tole on me not only mentally now, but physically as well. So enough said about that. Which right now I'm typing up my references for the online app for the jobs I'm applying for. The pay is good at both jobs though I think I would be happier at the union even though it pays just a little less the the security job, though I mean how hard is it to sit and watch bones not be stolen for 8 hours? I have always liked getting paid for being lazy, just like I enjoyed getting paid for having a sleeping problem, until it started to make me a little crazier and a little more aggitated. So yeah as soon as I find a job to replace this one I'm leaving Pita land for a better more agreeable life. I really want to get my bikes fixed and I think if I can hold back on the CD budgest I give myself every two weeks then I can get both of them fixed so Cathy can use one as well to get to work in the fall.

Speaking of her, she graduated from Rose a couple days ago and the ceremony was pretty cool, I got a little misty eyed when they called her name and she got her degree, I was very proud of her because she busted her ass off and didnt give up. Shes going to take off school for a semester and save up some money to get her BA at OU in the spring, and I'm going to take the ACT until I get something over a 30 so I can get scholarships. I have the grades to transfer but frankyl free money sounds too nice of a deal to pass up. I bought the new Pearl Jam and Tool albums last week and I plan on buying the new Chili Peppers album this week and then the next week buying the new Twilight Singers album and that will be it for me for awhile. So two new CD's. Not too shabby. I really love the new Tool album and it was everything I wanted it to be and the artwork is simply amazing. Truly a treasure. Also I really dig the new Pearl Jam as well. It reminds me a little bit of Versus, but a lot more raw elements, not as groove oriented. The album is a nice pice of work and I highly suggest it to people who are interested in where the world is going and how no matter what, Pearl Jam will always be a testiment to heart and soul in rock.

So marriage is upon me coming closer and closer, and I'm not nervous about it. I hit me a few days ago how close it really was, but other then the actually event (like invitations, bachlor party, and getting up the next morning at 5:30am) I couldnt be any less stressed about it. Hopefully my family will behave themselves, the thing is is that my parents and aside from my grandfathers non-modern views are the only non crazy people in my family. It will be interesting to see how everyone interacts with one another. My grandfather is very proud of me and he is someone I respect dearly in my life regardless if we agree politically or not.

A note to my groomsmen who check their livejournal, we need to set a date for the bachlor party, or we can just not have it, either way I'm cool. My groomsmen consist of the following people Bryce, Ben, John, Jesse, and James. The ceremony starts at 4 but we have to be there at 2 on June 2nd. We do have the rehearsal dinner on may 30th which is a tuesday, so please have your schdules clear. If you don't want to be apart of it, no hard feelings but I do need to know ASAP. So far everyone I've talked to is still cool with doing the gig. There is some talks about the bachlor party being at Mr Bills, but it hasnt been settled just yet. Invitations are coming to those who I couldnt find, soon. My dumb ass lost some of them but they are turnign up quicker and quicker. Brig my deepest apologies on how long it has taken to get them to you but I assure you they will be getting to you soon. Who thought invatations would be such a bitch to get out. I will need your address again, yes I know I suck at this type organizing, I can plan a 13 hour concert without a hitch, but I cant seem to get a handle on these weddings, this is the last one I plan on having. They blow to orgianize.

In other news the Syloken video is going well, I'm enjoying the whole experience. It's been positive and has gone pretty smoothly, atleast by my standards. I have never done a video before so I don't know how smooth this one is actually going but it seems to me to be doing fine. I want to start laying down more and more stuff for the Syloken album before everyone leaves for their own extended amount of time. We have about 4 songs in the studio and I want to get another 6 before we all leave on various voyages. I think that since everyone will be going on their own way I can get vocals done on my album and then start the second one, which won't take long at all. It will consist of me playing around with drum loops and electronica samples and crazy guitar noises. I want to call it Oblaudio (translates to "strange sound") I was going to call it Oblong but my Dad said since it deals with sound instead of shapes (physically that is) I should do a play on words and he suggested that. He full of great ideas like that.

I have no idea whats been going on at the house lately since I've been house sitting for the past week and a half. I hope to be back Wednesday and get things moving from there. I have a lot of things to do tomorrow, and I plan to accomplish them all. Mainly getting these damn invitations out to the people who have their names on them. Well that does it for me. I'm tired of this, take it easy.
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