The D.A. of the Week! !

Jul 29, 2005 22:32

OK, I was just on the Kentucky New Era's website and I see this story about a man who is currently in Vanderbilt Hospital due to bicycle injuries.  This is were it gets interesting...K.S.P. (Kentucky State Police) said that the rider "suffered minor injuries."  The father of the victim said that was wrong.  The guy has facial injuries suffered in the wreck.  Now this is where it gets interesting....the guy sits at Jennie Stuart Medical Center (I would had rather die before I go to JSMC) for several hours before the guy is sent to Vandy.

Here is the link to the story:

My takes on the story:  Anybody who suffers injuries to the face (which is time critical) should be sent straight to Vanderbilt instead of waiting several hours at JSMC.  1.) The guy could have died while before he got to Nashville. 2.)JSMC had their finger shoved up their butt before they decided...hey, let's send this guy to V.U.  3.) KSP did a very lousy job on listing the injuries in the report...instead of listing minor injuries...they should have listed the guy as either critical (send to nearest shock trauma unit) or say that the injuries were non-life threatening (minor for short).  4.)Anybody knows that the Golden Hour (60 minutes) is all that takes for a person to die before medical treatment is given due to the severity of the injuries. 5.) Finally, anyone knows that careful consideration should be taken when an elderly person is involved in a vehicle vs. bicycle accident.

Later! ! ! ! ! !
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