Who: Buffy and Spike
Where: Rome, Buffy's apartment
What: So Spike was framed for stealing the Pope hat by the Immortal. He and Buffy broke into the Vatican to try and prove his innocence. This turned out to be an awful idea, and they got arrested. Spike probably could have helped more if it wasn't cross central. Anyhow, they're represented by Wolfram and Hart (thanks, Angel!) so they should be able to get out pretty quickly. But first, they have to spend a night in prison.
[Spike is lying down on his uncomfortable cot, glaring up at the ceiling and wondering why dealing with the Immortal always ends up with him in jail. And not even for the many good reasons he should probably be locked up! For stealing the pope hat, or... tax evasion.
He looks over at Buffy.]
Sorry I got you into this mess, love. You shouldn't have to be here.