WHO ||
hasasoul, and
slayerdomWHAT || ROMANCE SHENANIGANS. Spike and Cordy come back from their "date" to see if the ones their respective romantic interests are jealous.
WHERE || Hyperion Hotel
WHEN || Evening
HOW || Commentspam. Cause we are lazy and awesome.
[Spike and Cordelia's date had been very pleasant, if much more friendly than datelike. Spike liked Cordelia, but he was far from in love with her. It would be hard to be, since he was still so into Buffy. He thought it was the same way for Cordelia, only replace Buffy with the less interesting vampire with a soul. It didn't really make Spike jealous, though. He had no problem with Angel finding happiness, love, and companionship so long as it wasn't with his girl.
When they reached the Hyperion, Spike slipped his hand into Cordelia's. As he pushed open the door, he remarked, in a voice just a hair louder than strictly necessary:]
That was a lovely date, pet. I hope we can make it a regular thing.