Nov 03, 2010 22:16
Who : Ianto Jones, Gwen Cooper
What : Traditions are upheld as jackets are ruined, friendships are tested and strengthened. Sex?
Where : random field job to wherever they may end up.
First thing he registered, when he came round lying on the dingy ground - that his nice new shirt was ruined as several long and jagged cuts ran across it. The second thing he registered was - that had really hurt. It didn't feel particularly life threatening at this very moment, and he had probably received worse before - but still. The third, it was quiet.
"Gwen?" Ianto tapped his ear piece, surveying his immediate surroundings and not seeing his new friend with the sharp pointy claws or teammate. His other hand went to his injury, drawing a sharp intake of breath as he climbed unsteadily to his feet. He paused, waited another moment for it to abate, then tried Gwen again.
who: ianto jones | ihasastopwatch,
who: gwen cooper | alien_catcher,
[verse] wardrobe malfunctions