Mar 22, 2011 17:19
This time I've really kept quiet for a long while.
There've been a lot of other rather time consuming things going on, and most of those haven't really been worth writing down or even sharing much.
I haven't been able to make a lot of progress in my theater. This is bothering me, because I'd have wanted to be done for over a year by now. Besides time, money's also been an issue here. I've made similar small progress on my fursuit, though I've at least been able to get some fur to complete the missing parts. There have been some minor changes in my apartment. The fact that the house itself is a construction site hasn't changed. I've had to get up early to unlock my new cellar compartment only this morning. I'm very curious what condition I'll find that in when I get home tonight. I've only recently had to move to a new compartment with an advance notice of one day.
I've picked up my LeBaron from the garage once again. This time, I hope, that for now all major problems are solved. I've spent around 3050,- on repairs for the Baron alone since January. Had I known what bad condition the car was in, I definitely wouldn't have invested a single Euro. I've brought the Jeep to the garage instead, hoping that we can get the brake issues resolved here too. I've spent over 2500,- on that car since december as well, but I got most of that back from my father, since it's his car.
"Weekend report:"
I spent the last weekend in Munich, visiting Chandri for his birthday. Even though I was able to spend an extra day, I'm still amazed at the amount of people I met, and the amount of things we did. I've met Taimur and Schnuppel, Fucatus, Berni, Lupo, my aunt and uncle, Runo, Liam and Shinji, spent an afternoon in the Sauna, went out for dinner three times, went shopping, out for walk, spent over an hour on an exercise bike, played Magic, watched movies and had really cool food at Chandris place at least 2 times (not counting breakfast).
In other news:
I'm powered out, tired, don't feel well. Too many problems, some cause pain. I need a break. I feel emotionally unstable, and I've hurt people I love for no apparant reason. At least not reasons that justify my reactions.