Jun 28, 2010 17:42
That's how I feel as I look at the posts below me. They are nothing but quizzes and assorted pictures ones having nothing to do with the other. No substance, nothing interesting to read. * Hangs head in shame *
Now, I have never really understood Live Journal. There are too many things to click on and not enough links that take me to a place I know what to do it. I only opened it because my sister had one. She said "Join me, it's fun..." And because of the frequency with which I saw her typing her hours away furiously on LJ and because I had nothing better to do I said "Sure"!. That was a few years ago now and I have never truly made an effort of posting on here. If memory serves I might have written and apologetic entry for my lack of posting before however I am not even certain of that.
I find myself with much more time to spend in front of the computer now so I believe this time I might make good and try to post once *le gasp* once a day. I am not sure how interesting that might make the journal but at the very least it will be more active. I am going to fiddle around a bit with the settings see if I can make it look pretty. After that I will write and entry about a project I started today. I think I can use LJ to keep track off.
So I am off to try to make my page look pretty. Stay tuned.