To Do
- Sync portfolios - compare images in each and ready files so they all show the same pieces
- Finish editing Supergirl
- Finish Editing Obama
- Finish Editing Yo Yo
To Do Tomorrow
- Print 13x19s
- Print 8x10s
- Prep 11x17s for printing
- Oil Change
- Laundry
- Pack
- Pick Commercial Images for Asaro Project
- Confirm hotel for NY
- Confirm hotel for Canada
- Find place to stay in Pittsburgh.
- Post Craigslist ad for Sales Associate
- Print directions
Just two hours after I posted my Craigslist ad, looking for help with the booth at Big Apple Comic Con, and I am already cynical about the future of American industry. I'm about ready to hire the first person who sends me an email with full sentence structure and proper capitalization.