(no subject)

Aug 03, 2005 20:37

so i get to the center where i volunteer to feed children and miss quick, the instructor at the camp, pulls kara, mrs. gubasta (my boss), and i aside and told us that keniesha, another girl we work with has been missing for two days. some guy called the center asking for her and then another older man tailed her home, but she never got home and her mom has no idea where she went. its so super scary because that could have easily been kara or i walking to church or canvassing the neighborhood to increase interest in our church. we were totally freaking out and the kids have no idea, they think she's on vaction and i really wanted to tell them, because kids can be really observant but they are afraid it will tramatize them. so i'm asking you guys for any prayers and even just positive thoughts that she comes home safe and sound.
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