Letter From the Lost Days

Apr 24, 2006 01:54

Late, tried but I don't want to sleep. I don't have reason or of need to think of one. I try to pass by with out a thought about it. Can you really think of a reason to let the time pass by with nothing to set it on? Music can help pass the time, but should I blush on the fact I sing to it, sing like I am the one who thinks I am matching every note. Though to be truthful I know I am not and I at times don't really need to also think about it. I hit the "enqueue file" [winamp] so I can hear the same song over again and as long as I am awake I'll hear it until I pick the next tune. As I listen to this song replying the 5th time. I wonder if I thought the same things in my pass life or did I just let everything go by like a passing dream? I been remembering my bad dreams over the good lately but I don't know if there a reason for them. The song has just reply it self again. Ten years ago? Five years ago? Now, the sec after the now, and so on where it might all just be a passing dream again. I never told myself to smile, cry or even get angry. I never really think about how I feel I just go by them and speak up a riot until I get the person listing angry at me or perhaps more of a misunderstanding? I don't mean to push myself in these kind of places with people I just do. Ten years ago? Five years ago? Have I done at lest somethings that could be good or perhaps that [gotta] be one the stupidest question you can ask yourself? Such a thing to be thinking about when I am trying to make a point about thinking to much.

Wait, was that what I was talking about? Turtle? Potato? I never heard of such a story when it come to a potato and a turtle that's in love. One can't even speak while the other doesn't even eat potatos! Wait, how did I start typing about this? Lets get back to passing the time. The song as now replyed it self four more times and I feel that I am typing a bit slow here. I am fixing to many errors and my thoughts are leaving me to the point of such a random post of... nothing? Well, I, uh, er, hope that I can think of, err, oh well I am not in the mood tonight to really play games, err, uh, I don't feel that I will be passing the time I have tonight and later today as nothing more then a lost day. I am not depress even though I sound like it. I just don't like myself right now [not depress!] for some odd reason.


Not Smart
No Skills
Normal looking

Just being me, I don't think I can say I am a kind person because I don't really feel that way and I just feel like a third wheel. [Not depress here!] Deep in thought on how I been feeling. Ten years ago, five years ago I think I still feel the same way about myself and how I been acting? Though my be I have gotten better and I am not as big as a loser as I was. Song has played three more times already man I am really typing slow here and trying to find out what I am trying to say here. Well, in truth I know were I want to get at but the replay of the song has ended so I feel this is the end of such a waste of time. Then again, I am just trying to pass the time.

To be continue...
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