5 Arashi Wallpapers

Dec 25, 2008 14:54

Merry Christmas

5 Arashi Wallpapers for your use. All of 1280x800 and no resizes are available (Sorry).

Took me a total of a week and a half to finish them all. I had the hardest time with Ohno's. Damn that boy's hair >_< I must have redone that wallpaper like 5 times. And then Aiba's...ha...DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED *rawr* But that one's my fav. ^_^

Anyway, enjoy!

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Shall we move on to credits?

~ Yes, they're Christmas presents to Arashi fans all over, BUT, you must still credit me and tell me if your taking
~ No stealing and claiming as your own
~ No reposting anywhere else, please

~ The pictures from Ohno, Sho, Nino, and Matsujun's wallpapers were from arashi_yuuki 
~ Aiba's pictures came from theproudpenguin Aiba Birhthday Dump

And that's it! Enjoy and leave lots of comments.
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